Sunday, April 24, 2011

Visit Hulu and watch Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Episode 2. And diabetes does not have to happen to you.

Please watch this episode or at least a part of it. And yes Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) IS that oblivious and stubborn. As a parent in the episode pointed out they are training children to eat fast food and fast food only. Back in February 2011 it was reported that California's biggest concern for its children is not drugs but obesity and the school districts are still slow to respond to this concern.

The link to Jaime Oliver's show now on Hulu:

One of the most infuriating things that I came across while watching this episode is this one girl's story. Her entire immediate family has diabetes. Her grandmother to her mother to her father to her brother were diagnosed with diabetes. She is in her teens and afraid she will be the next one. Her grandmother died from diabetes. But her family has done little to change their current eating habits. The feeling there is one of resignation/acceptance that diabetes is part of their family history so why watch what we eat? Yes, you may be genetically inclined to develop diabetes but that inclination is mostly decided by how you eat. For the most part, how you eat pushes your body into diabetes.

It is one thing to say my family is predisposed to cancer well the news is everyone has pre-cancerous cells in their body. Family history is a small percentage of the reason why someone develops cancer, and it's the same for diabetes. The biggest deciding factor in developing diabetes is how we live and in some cases where we live as well. It's a combination of things. Please do not think because some family members have diabetes you will get it too. Adjust the way you eat. Anyone can develop diabetes and it's very easy now because of the food out there. Look at the amount of sugar in our snacks, desserts, drinks and meals and keep eating that way and anyone/everyone can develop diabetes.

I have an uncle with diabetes and he does not take any medication for it but controls it by how he eats. My dad had diabetes for which he took insulin shots for each meal. My grandmother had diabetes. Hers was severe but she also got diabetes after coming to the US and started eating unhealthily because of her work schedule. It's hard because of our current lifestyles dictating how and what we eat but if it means a little inconvenience to be careful, to do a double-check on the things we're about to eat versus convenience and developing diabetes...Please take care and be well. Hopefully with a little more push and outcry we can change the food industry and the way it is a part of our lifestyles so that our food can stop killing us.

*Did you hear that Subway is reducing sodium in all its subs? This will save a lot of people from hypertension worries.

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