Friday, April 8, 2011

Food Shortage in less than 40 years?

In another sign of pending dystopia, Time mentions the possibility that by 2050 we will not have enough food for everyone citing the original article which was published in New Zealand Herald. Please visit the original article as well, the link is provided in Time's article:

Refugees fighting over food. Is this what everyone's futures will look like? Seems unlikely these are extreme cases but for most parts of the world it isn't unreasonable to one day be citizens/residents of a community, of a country and the next to be refugees in a camp with one's world turned upside down and autonomy taken away. You depend on aid, you depend on the response of agencies and government for everything basic including food. Food is heavily influenced by politics, by the economy and yet it is something that citizens can take control of and produce individually and communally. 

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