During the past week the blogs on this site have addressed trade issues, possible food shortages, genetic modification and today it is pesticide. There is no way around it but pesticide is unsafe to consume. Of course we wash our produce but we still consume trace amounts. This is one concern that has led to the organic movement but it has also led people to grow their own produce as well. Because the gardener knows exactly how the vegetables and fruits have been grown and what has gone to accomplishing this. 

Studies to pesticide ingredients are always on-going. And here's the latest research and debate. How much do we sacrifice in the name of economy, to the name of making a living over things that impact our quality of health?
Is this common ingredient glyphosate found in herbicides connected to cancer? Top farm organizations and of course the company that uses glyphosate argue that it is too beneficial to crop-growing to give up. Even if there is a possible relationship between the use of this chemical and cancer?
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