Saturday, April 9, 2011

Gentically Modified: Too lazy to spit out seeds so we traded taste for convenience?

Once the fact that we've been consuming genetically modified food comes to light it brings some questions and concerns to mind. Why are our food genetically modified? What does genetically modified mean? Is it okay to consume? And the answers would be because food that have been genetically altered are done so to make it easier to grow and to resist certain diseases. Genetically modified mean well, scientists/horticulturists have altered the plant's genes to make it more hardy or in the case of watermelon seedless. Last but not least there has been no research that shows it a danger to our health. But is it still right? And, is it safe to consume as much as we do for as long as we do? Are we trading in taste? For example, one hardly sees traditional watermelon in grocery markets anymore. Remember those huge watermelons with the black seeds? Didn't they taste sweeter, juicier than the seedless ones in the markets these days?
Many debates over taste and seedless watermelons:

For a nice, short article on genetically modified foods, a list of 8 that we consume regularly. Writer Lisa Gosselin gives tips on what to look for if we are trying to avoid genetic modification in our foods. Please check it out as well as the site for Eating Well magazine.

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